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Welcome to the Johnstown High School Guidance Department!   

This portal will provide both students and parents with helpful resources throughout the four years of high school.  The department consists of three school counselors.  Each student at Greater Johnstown is assigned a school counselor upon entering the ninth grade.  The mission of the Greater Johnstown High School Counseling Program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career and personal/social growth of all students.  In partnership with other educators, parents or guardians and the community, school counselors advocate to maximize student potential, academic achievement and preparedness for success in life.  Through individual meetings, we work with students on personal issues, course selection, post-high school planning, etc.  Please take some time to navigate the site and visit it often!

Mr. Kirby Deater
School Counselor
Health & Human Services and Arts & Communication

533 - 5601 ext.5914

Mrs. Samanth Litko
School Counselor
533 - 5601 ext. 5913
Ms. Danielle Hardison
School Counselor
9th Grade Academy & Penn Highlands Associates Degree
533 - 5601 ext. 5912
Ms. Jakkee Smith
533 - 5601 ext. 5910
FAX: (814) 533-2826