Please click the file to review the JHS TSI Plan for 22-23 SY. If you have any questions please reach out to members of the steering committee or directly contact William Cacciotti ([email protected]).
Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI): PDE Link
ESSA requires states to develop a plan to designate schools for support and improvement. In a significant change from the No Child Left Behind era, these designations derive from both academic and non-academic student success indicators, and include both school-wide and student group-level determinations. ESSA requires states to specify a standard for the number of students, or minimum "n-size," that trigger the reporting of academic and other data at the school and student group levels. Pennsylvania's n-size is 20. Specifically, the process of designating schools for support - termed "Annual Meaningful Differentiation" by the federal statute - results in three distinct designations: 1) Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI); 2) Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (A-TSI); and 3) Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI).