Welcome to

Greater Johnstown Senior High School
Greater Johnstown School District offers a wide variety of educational options and offerings for our diverse student body. We aim to provide options that not only match our students’ passions and unique needs but also help to prepare them for the real word through diverse experiences. This includes various pathways for our students to choose from during their educational career in the district.
As one of the largest school districts in Cambria County, the GJSD serves approximately 3,000 students in Kindergarten through Grade 12. Each school is unique and committed to serving the needs and interests of our community.
We believe that every child—at every level of academic performance—can achieve excellence. To help our students get there, we are committed to continually improving performance at every level of the District.
We have a terrific staff that places the best interest of the students first- every day. Please take the time to learn more about our district and our wonderful community!